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HTML5 online training
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Summary: |
In this training, you will learn how to jump start writing code in HTML 5. You will learn HTML 5 structural, semantic, form tags, drawing on canvas, playing audio & video, storing data client side and building application that works client side.
This is instructor led training and it is delivered by Sheo Narayan (Ex Microsoft MVP)
Coverage: | HTML-5 HTML5 HTML-5-training HTML-5-online-training |
Delivery mode (?): | Online Classroom Training , through Microsoft Live meeting |
Duration/Validity: | 8-10 days (1 hour each) |
Tips for buying: You may buy without logging in, however to provide a better service we suggest to login.
1 person offline classroom training at Miyapur, Hyderabad, India |
Rs 7500.00 |
$125.00 |
25.00% |
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Rs 5625.00/ $93.75 |
1 person online training |
Rs 12000.00 |
$200.00 |
25.00% |
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Rs 9000.00/ $150.00 |
Contact us for volume licenses discount. | Payment can be done securely using Credit card, Debit card or Net banking. |
HTML5 training goals
In this training you will achieve following goals
- Start developing HTML 5 enabled web pages
- Will learn the HTML 5 benefits
- Will learn HTML 5 elements and attributes
- Will learn how to work with audio and video without Flash and Silverlight
- Will learn drawing images on the web page using Canvas
- Will learn who to store data in the client side without using cookies or hidden elements for offline application
- Different HTML 5 form elements that help you avoid writing code for form validations
HTML5 Course content- Introduction of HTML
- Overview of HTML5
- HTML5 document structure
- HTML 5 new elements / attributes
- abbr
- article
- aside
- base
- bdi
- bdo
- blockquote
- caption
- cite
- col
- menu
- menuitem
- dd
- dt
- del
- details
- dfn
- dialog
- dir
- download
- em
- figure
- footer
- header
- hgroup
- ins
- kbd
- mark
- meter
- nav
- output
- progress
- q
- s
- section
- svg (Introduction)
- wbr
- listreverse
- contextmenu
- async
- HTML5 form elements
- New input types / form elements
- more than 16 types covered
- New attributes
- accesskey
- defer
- contenteditable
- formnovalidate
- formmethod
- formaction
- formtarget
- formenctype
- Maintaining uniformity across browser by writing custom error message instead of browser validation error message
- HTML5 Multimedia
- Working with audio and video
- Controlling audio and video with custom HTML element using JavaScript
- HTML5 Graphics - Canvas
- Getting started with Canvas
- Drawing lines
- Color and transparency
- Shapes
- Drawing images
- Playing video in Canvas
- Rendering text, text with shadow effect
- HTML5 Local storage
- What, why and when
- Creating HTML 5 offline web application
- Web storage
- Local storage
- Session storage
- Database storage
- File Systems
- Creating files, listing and deleting files in the browser
- Creating folders, listing and deleting folders in the browser
- HTML 5 Animation - Canvas
- Essentials of HTML 5 Animation
- Creating animation using sequence of Images in HTML 5 Canvas
- Controlling animation on user interaction
- HTML 5 Animation
- HTML5 Geo-location
- What, why and when
- Using geo-location API
- HTML 5 Drag and Drop
- Dragging and dropping HTML element
- HTML 5 Communication
- Window Messaging - Communication between parent and child window
- Server Sent Event
- Web Sockets
- Web Worker
- What, why and when Web Worker
- Loading and executing external JavaScript file and processing heavy data
- Importing other external JavaScript files
- Browser caching
- with Apache server
- with IIS server
What comes with this training?
- Instructor led training
- Ebook (study material)
- Source code
- Technical support for 1 month through email
Is Corporate group training available on HTML5?
Yes, we are based at Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Please contact us at +91-768-088-9888, +91-40-4222-2291.
The candidate should be familiar with In case you are not familiar HTML 4, CSS and JavaSript, you can opt for this.
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Till 15-Sep-2014, trained 25 students from different parts of the world.
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