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.NET Job support from India
Job Support | Offshore Development
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Facing technical problem in job, let us help you. We are a group of highly technical people who can assist you in solving technical problems at your job.
Coverage: | Job-support job-help technical-help-in-job technical-assistance-in-job .NET-job-support .NET-support Microsoft-.NET-job-support |
Delivery mode (?): | Offshore or remote connectivity, or suggest us |
Duration/Validity: | Flexible |
Tips for buying: You may buy without logging in, however to provide a better service we suggest to login.
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Contact us for volume licenses discount. | Payment can be done securely using Credit card, Debit card or Net banking. |
have come across many developers in USA, Australia and other countries who have
recently got the job but they are struggling to survive in the job
because of less technical knowledge, exposure and the kind of work given to them.
We are here to help you.
Let us know your profile and kind of help you are looking for and we shall do our best to help you out. The job support is provided by our expert who has more than 10 years of experience working in .NET Web projects.
How the job support works?- We see your project and technologies used, if we are 100% confident then we agree to support you.
- We work on the monthly basis
- 1 hour every day Monday to Friday (Indian time)
- The job support fees are not refundable, so please pay only when you are 101% sure that you need job support and are not able to do your project yourself properly.
Terms and Conditions- We do not work on behalf of you, we support you to solve your technical problem and guide you to the right direction.
- Please do not expect us to do your 8 hours of job in 5 minutes. We do not do it and no one can do it.
- Please understand that your project is completely new to us and it may take several minutes time to understand your project and help you to solve the problem. Once we understand your project the subsequent problems are solved faster.
Below points are based on our bad experience with few people - Please do not play the trick after 1 or 2 classes and ask us to refund the money when we have guided you to the right direction. We have saved hundreds of developer job and are supporting many others for last several years. Few of our customers are with us for last 3-4 years.
- We do not cheat and do not want be cheated, please do not waste your time and our time.
If everything looks good, please f ill in your details on this page to contact us or call on +91-768-088-9888, +91-40-4222-2291 (India).
Thanks and good luck!
Testimonials on .NET Job support
Getting a software development job in USA is very arduous task for any fresher. Who only knows the basic of the programming language. In the software development, the basic programming knowledge will only help unto somewhat extend to solve the basic levels of software development problems. The actual programming requirement and development standards could be partial or totally different in the job environment.
After gating a job in the software development, given task need to complete within a time period. In such type of critical situation the fresher could not handle the development job without expert’s guideline. The person, who having 5-10 year of experience in real software development can solve such types of critical problems and guide you to accomplish the given task with in particular time. Mr Sheo Narayan helped me to solve the organizational level software development problems and made me capable to understand the real world scenarios. Sometimes, he motivated me to face the internal organizational level problems.
I Vishal always appreciated for his valuable guideline and help.
There are many more testimonials by candidates, however to protect their privacy we can't publish it here.
ITFunda .com
Itfunda's Profile
ITFunda.Com is an e-commerce website that furnishes a platform to the interested buyer and seller to interact and transact for the software or software related services. We are a part of SN ITFunda Services LLP, a parent establishment of a popular Microsoft(R) technology related knowledge based website www.dotnetfunda.com.
SN ITFunda Services LLP is a authorized distributor / re-seller of- Own products
- .NET How to's
- ASP.NET How to's
- jQuery How to's
- ASP.NET AJAX Tutorials
- .NET Corporate trainings and
- Online .NET Trainings
- TechSmith Corporation products like
- Camtasia Studio
- SnagId
- Morae
- Nevron Software
- Nevron .NET Vision
- Nevron Chart for Sharepoint
- Nevron Chart for SSRS
- Nevron .NET Chart
- Nevron Diagram for .NET
- Nevron Gauge for .NET
- Nevron Gauge for Sharepoint
- Nevron Sharepoint Vision Suite
- Nevron SSRS Vision
- Questpond training materials
- Deccansoft training materials
Till 15-Sep-2014, saved job support to more than 50 people from around the world. Mostly from USA.
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