Bar Charts, Horizontal and Vertical Bars - available in 2D and 3D
Horizontal and Vertical Bar Chart Subtypes: Clustered, Stacked, Stacked Percent, Series, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Clustered, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Clustered, XYZ Scatter Stacked, XYZ Scatter Stacked Percent
Bar Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Ellipsoid, Smooth Edge Bar, Cut Edge Bar
Area Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Area Chart Subtypes: Series, Stacked, Stacked Percent, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent
Smooth Area Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Smooth Area Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Line Chart Subtypes: Series, Stacked, Stacked Percent, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Stacked, XYZ Scatter Stacked Percent
Line Chart Shapes: Line, Tape, Tube, Ellipsoid
Smooth Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Smooth Line Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Step Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Step Line Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Step Line Chart Shapes: Line, Tape, Tube, Ellipsoid
Pie Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Pie Chart Shapes: Pie, Torus, Smooth Edge Pie, Cut Edge Pie, Ring (Donut), Smooth Edge Ring, Cut Edge Ring
Point Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Point Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter
Point Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Sphere, Ellipse, Cross, Diagonal Cross, Line Cross, Line Diagonal Cross, Star
Bubble Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Bubble Chart Subtypes: Series, XYScatter, XYZScatter
Bubble Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Sphere, Ellipse, Cross, Diagonal Cross, Line Cross, Line Diagonal Cross, Star
Float Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Float Bar Chart Subtypes: Series, Clustered, Stacked, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Stacked
Float Bar Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Ellipsoid, Smooth Edge Bar, Cut Edge Bar
High Low Charts - available in 2D and 3D
High-Low Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Stock Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Stock Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Stock Chart Shapes: OHLC stick, HLC stick, Candle Stick
Funnel Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Nevron Funnel Chart provides control over labeling, neck width and height and points gap.
Radar Charts - available only in 2D
Radar Chart Subtypes: Lines, Areas
Polar Charts - available only in 2D
Polar Chart Subtypes: Lines, Areas, Points
Surface Charts - available in 3D only
Surface Chart Subtypes: Grid, Mesh, Triangulated
Drawing Modes: Scaled, Flat at Axis Begin, Flat and Axis End
Error Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Error Bar Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter
Controllable visibility of: X, Y and Z error barsBox And Whiskers Charts - available only in 2D
Box And Whiskers Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Settings: Box and Whiskers size
Vector Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Vector Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter
Settings: Arrow shape and size
Range Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Range Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter
Kagi Charts - available only in 2D
Kagi Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Settings: Reversal amount, Up and Down stroke style
Renko Charts - available only in 2D
Renko Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Settings: Up and Down stroke style, Up and Down fill style
Three Line Break Charts - available only in 2D
Three Line Break Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Settings: Box Width Percent, Number of Lines to Break, Up and Down stroke style, Up and Down fill style
Point And Figure Charts - available only in 2D
Point and Figure Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
Settings: Box Size, Reversal Amount, Preceding Column Peak, Preceding Column Direction, Proportional X/Y, Up and Down stroke style
Combo Charts - available in 2D and 3D
Combo Charts Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter
A versatile charting type allowing you to mix custom combinations of series types. Series types are specified per values data groupings. There are many per series type options. You can combine the following series types: Bar, Area, SmoothArea, Line, Smooth Line, Step Line, Point, Bubble, High Low, Stock, Error Bar, Box And Whiskers, Vector and Range.