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Nevron Chart for SharePoint

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Nevron Chart for SharePoint
Summary: Nevron Chart for SharePoint is an advanced web part, which delivers a complete and unmatched set of 2D and 3D charting types, highly customizable axes, advanced data analysis, numerous tuning options and stunning visual effects to your SharePoint sites.


SharePoint  MOSS  WSS  Chart  2D-Charting  3D-Charting  Data-Analysis 
Delivery mode (?): Electronic Delivery - Downloadable, Online downloadable
Duration/Validity: Life time

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Nevron Chart for SharePoint (Server License) Rs - $1239.00 6.00% - -/ $1,164.66 Continue >
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It combines the industry leading Nevron Charting engine for ASP.NET together with the powerful Nevron Pivot Data Aggregation engine. This allows for virtually any SharePoint user to visually create advanced pivot charts with truly unique and impressive looks. That is why it is considered to be the Microsoft Excel Pivot Chart analog in SharePoint context.

Nevron Chart for SharePoint features:

  • Seamless integration in MOSS and WSS 2007 and 2010
  • Superior set of 2D/3D charting types
  • Unique pivot charting capabilities
  • Web-based configuration interface
  • Binding to diverse data sources

General Features

Easy Integration in SharePoint 2007 and 2010

Nevron Chart for SharePoint seamlessly integrates in MOSS and WSS 2007 and 2010. It comes with a standalone registration utility that will help you deploy it on your sites quickly.

Web Based Configuration

Nevron Chart for SharePoint features an advanced chart designer, which will make many desktop programs envious. It has been crafted to provide fast and intuitive editing of the great amount of customization options, which the web part provides in design mode.

Binding to Diverse Data Sources

Nevron Chart for SharePoint can bind to any ODBC, OleDb, SQL Server or Oracle database. SharePoint specific data sources, such as SharePoint Lists, Business Data Catalog and Excel Services are also fully supported.

Pivot Data Aggregation

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports advanced pivot data aggregation features. Formula expressions are used in grouping, filtering and sorting rules, as well as to define dynamic values that are tightly integrated with your data. Data groupings are created for chart categories, series and values via client-side drag and drop. Numerous functions for different mathematical, statistical, date-time, logical and text operations ensure that the pivot aggregation is flexible enough to meet even the most complex data analysis scenarios.

Multiple Charting Areas

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of charting areas. Each charting area has its own charting type and can be rendered in 2D or 3D mode. You can mix 2D and 3D charts in a single canvas. Charting areas can be automatically or manually arranged.

Multiple Legends

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of legends. Each values data grouping can be assigned to a different legend. Legends can be manually positioned or docked to chart, chart areas and plot areas.

Multiple Titles

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports an unlimited number of titles. Titles can be manually positioned or docked to chart, chart areas and plot areas.

Charting Types

Bar Charts, Horizontal and Vertical Bars - available in 2D and 3D

Horizontal and Vertical Bar Chart Subtypes: Clustered, Stacked, Stacked Percent, Series, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Clustered, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Clustered, XYZ Scatter Stacked, XYZ Scatter Stacked Percent

Bar Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Ellipsoid, Smooth Edge Bar, Cut Edge Bar

Area Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Area Chart Subtypes: Series, Stacked, Stacked Percent, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent

Smooth Area Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Smooth Area Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Line Chart Subtypes: Series, Stacked, Stacked Percent, XY Scatter, XY Scatter Stacked, XY Scatter Stacked Percent, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Stacked, XYZ Scatter Stacked Percent

Line Chart Shapes: Line, Tape, Tube, Ellipsoid

Smooth Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Smooth Line Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Step Line Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Step Line Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Step Line Chart Shapes: Line, Tape, Tube, Ellipsoid

Pie Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Pie Chart Shapes: Pie, Torus, Smooth Edge Pie, Cut Edge Pie, Ring (Donut), Smooth Edge Ring, Cut Edge Ring

Point Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Point Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter

Point Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Sphere, Ellipse, Cross, Diagonal Cross, Line Cross, Line Diagonal Cross, Star

Bubble Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Bubble Chart Subtypes: Series, XYScatter, XYZScatter

Bubble Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Sphere, Ellipse, Cross, Diagonal Cross, Line Cross, Line Diagonal Cross, Star

Float Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Float Bar Chart Subtypes: Series, Clustered, Stacked, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter, XYZ Scatter Stacked

Float Bar Chart Shapes: Bar, Cylinder, Cone, Inverted Cone, Pyramid, Inverted Pyramid, Ellipsoid, Smooth Edge Bar, Cut Edge Bar

High Low Charts - available in 2D and 3D

High-Low Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Stock Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Stock Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Stock Chart Shapes: OHLC stick, HLC stick, Candle Stick

Funnel Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Nevron Funnel Chart provides control over labeling, neck width and height and points gap.

Radar Charts - available only in 2D

Radar Chart Subtypes: Lines, Areas

Polar Charts - available only in 2D

Polar Chart Subtypes: Lines, Areas, Points

Surface Charts - available in 3D only

Surface Chart Subtypes: Grid, Mesh, Triangulated

Drawing Modes: Scaled, Flat at Axis Begin, Flat and Axis End

Error Bar Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Error Bar Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter

Controllable visibility of: X, Y and Z error bars
Box And Whiskers Charts - available only in 2D

Box And Whiskers Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Settings: Box and Whiskers size

Vector Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Vector Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter

Settings: Arrow shape and size

Range Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Range Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter, XYZ Scatter

Kagi Charts - available only in 2D

Kagi Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Settings: Reversal amount, Up and Down stroke style

Renko Charts - available only in 2D

Renko Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Settings: Up and Down stroke style, Up and Down fill style

Three Line Break Charts - available only in 2D

Three Line Break Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Settings: Box Width Percent, Number of Lines to Break, Up and Down stroke style, Up and Down fill style

Point And Figure Charts - available only in 2D

Point and Figure Chart Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

Settings: Box Size, Reversal Amount, Preceding Column Peak, Preceding Column Direction, Proportional X/Y, Up and Down stroke style

Combo Charts - available in 2D and 3D

Combo Charts Subtypes: Series, XY Scatter

A versatile charting type allowing you to mix custom combinations of series types. Series types are specified per values data groupings. There are many per series type options. You can combine the following series types: Bar, Area, SmoothArea, Line, Smooth Line, Step Line, Point, Bubble, High Low, Stock, Error Bar, Box And Whiskers, Vector and Range.

Chart Axes Features

Complete set of axis related features designed to target even the most compelling charting requirements. The axes are also largely automatic allowing you focus on your project and be able to customize every aspect of the appearance and behavior of the axis if needed.

Chart Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports Primary and Secondary X and Y Axes and additionally allows you to customize a variety of options to get the desired result for your charts. The Chart features an axis model that allows you to have complete control over axis position and appearance.

Chart Depth Axis

A 3D chart extends axis from a 2D chart by exposing a Z axis. The depth axis allows data to be plotted along the depth of the chart.

Special Radar and Polar axes

Nevron Chart for SharePoint provides support for special Radar and Polar axes.

Numeric Scale

The Numeric Scale is automatically selected by the component depending on the series type. The following subtypes are available:

  • Number scale - allows you to display any data in numeric format (profit, sales, percentages etc.)
  • Angular scale - allows you to display angular data in degrees and grads (used in polar charts).
  • DateTime scale - general date time scale suitable for the display of date time data.
  • ValueTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial charts.
  • RangeTimeline scale - advanced date time scale most commonly used in financial and project management charts

Categorical Scale

The Categorical Scale is automatically selected by the component depending on the series type. The following features are available for categorical scales:

  • Single row and grouped categorical labels.
  • Controllable grid style.

Advanced Axes positioning options

The axes of the component can be docked to the chart sides (or polar rim) or crossed at value with some other axis. In addition axes can share parts of the chart plot.

Axis Title

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports advanced customization of the axis titles - control over the title text, appearance, position and angle.


Control over the begin / end ruler caps as well as option to highlight scale breaks on the ruler.


Nevron Chart for SharePoint provides control over the range displayed by the axis. Ability to inflate that range in several modes.


Nevron Chart for SharePoint has support for axes gridlines customization - control the color and style of the gridlines, they can be displayed on several visible chart walls.


Control over the appearance and position of minor and major ticks.

Axis Stripes

Axis Stripes provide the ability to highlight repeating ranges of data on the chart walls, with controllable show / hide pattern.

Axis Sections

Axis Sections provide the ability to conditionally modify the appearance of axis decorations (tick, gridlines and labels) if they fall in a specified range. This feature allows you to highlight important ranges of data on the axis.

Const Lines

Const Lines provide the ability to show constant (reference) lines at specified value. In 3D mode you can also show planes crossing the plot at the specified value.

Scale Breaks

Axis Scale Breaks provide the ability to skip a range of values on the axis with controllable style and appearance.

Label Layout

Label Layout provide the ability to control how the axis must resolve label overlapping and layout options.

Label Formatting

Label Formatting provide the ability to control the label formatting on numeric scales - including many advanced options for currency, percentage, scientific and date time label formatting.

Advanced Features


Nevron Chart for SharePoint is the fastest rendering chart inside SharePoint - in both 2D and 3D modes.

3D Charting

Nevron Chart for SharePoint has the best layout in 3D and the most advanced feature set in 3D - including: 11 predefined lighting modes, ability to specify element materials (control the way in which elements reflect light), largest charting types set in 3D, biggest set of shapes in 3D (applicable to pies, bars, markers, areas etc.)

2D Charting

Nevron Chart for SharePoint is the only chart for SharePoint environment to provide Adobe Photoshop like image filter effects, which are applicable to all chart elements - these include bevel, emboss, lighting filters etc. When it comes to shadows it is the only chart for Share Point, which has soft shadows (based on Gaussian and Radial blur image filters).

2D/3D Consistency

Nevron Chart for SharePoint is consistent in 2D/3D modes. For example you can map gradients to elements in both 2D and 3D. Colors specified in 2D are inherited by materials in 3D. You can mix 2D and 3D chart areas in a single chart control.

XY and XYZ scatters

Nevron Chart for SharePoint includes the industry leading support for XY and XYZ scatters inside SharePoint.

XML Formatted Texts

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports XML Formatted Texts. This feature is applicable to all elements which display text. It allows you to mix fonts, mix bold, italic underline formatting and many other advanced features like different fill styles, shadows, image filters etc. - all inside a single label, title etc. XML formatted texts use a format similar to HTML, but with many more advanced options.

Additional Customization Properties


  • Walls visibility
  • Walls appearance
  • Walls depth (in 3D)


  • Advanced positioning options
  • Items layout preferences
  • Control over legend marks
  • Header and Footer
  • Gridlines
  • Stripes

Per Series (Values Data Groupings) Properties

  • Series options (for combo charts)
  • Display on chart area
  • Display on X axes
  • Display on Y axes
  • Display on legend
  • Markers - control over shape, size, position and appearance
  • Legend - control over the data describing the series in the legend
  • Data Labels - control over format, appearance and layout.
  • Action - jump to report, jump to bookmark, jump to URL.

Data Groupings Editors

  • Edit grouping expressions
  • Edit filter expressions
  • Edit sorting expressions


  • Support for different image formats
  • Specify resolution
  • Image sizing options
  • Gray scale rendering
  • On/off image map rendering
  • Control over the currently used culture settings. You can select a custom culture or synchronize the currently used culture with the user regional settings.

Appearance Customizations

  • Fill Style editor - helps you define the filling of an element. Provides options for solid color, gradient, image and advanced gradient fill types.
  • Stroke Style editor - helps you define the outline/stroke of an element. Provides options for line caps and joins, line pattern and color.
  • Shadow Style editor - helps you define the shadow which is casted by an element. Provides options for solid, linear, radial blur and gaussian blur shadows.
  • Text Style editor - helps you define the default appearance of a text element. Provides options for font size and type, font filling, outline, shadow, backplane etc.
  • Frame Style editor - helps you define the frame of the component and its panels. Supports artistic/image borders.

Chart Code Customization

Nevron Chart for SharePoint supports customization through C# and VB.NET code, which allows you to use the full Nevron Chart for .NET API in SharePoint.

About Nevron

Nevron Software is a global leader in component based data visualization technology for a diverse range of Microsoft centric platforms. Built with perfection, usability and enterprise level features in mind, our components deliver advanced digital dashboards and diagrams that are not to be matched. Today Nevron components are used by many Fortune 500 companies and thousands of developers and IT professionals worldwide.

Designed by professionals for professionals, Nevron Data Visualization technology delivers rich functionality with exceptional features to your Presentation, Scientific, Financial and Business Intelligence applications.

For more information, please contact us.

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